Monday, November 24, 2008


Yay we survived our first patient day! From here on out in clinic we will just be doing patient treatment. That is crazy how much we have learned! Once agian, yes I'm counting, we are practically done with this semester! We only have to do this three more times then we're done!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Last mock patient Day!!

It is wednesday, next clinic is our first real patient day!!! I can't belive it! I think it best to just dive into it and thats how you learn, but i'm nervous.. Oh well, it has to happen some time. Good luck to me.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Long Day

This is my last regular-long monday!! Next week we don't have radiology because it is our first pt. treatment day!! Wahoo I'm excited! I still can't believe this semester is practically over!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Injury Free Day!

Today was the second time we have placed sealants on our fellow students. Monday I unfortunatly hurt my lab partner a littly with the suction. Ok, hurt her a lot. But today i didn't do any damage. A much better day!

Monday, November 10, 2008

The baby is here!!

I can't write about clinic today; my sister had her baby this morning at 6:00 am and I haven't got to see her yet. She is 6lbs 4 ounces and has tonz of hair! The best part is her husband dropped her off at the E.R. and by the time he got back from parking the car she had thrown a fit in the waiting room and the baby's head was coming out. She was born less than 10 minutes later. I hope thats how my delivery's go. It probably has something to do with how healthy she is. She has been biking about 40 miles a day. She has been very active... Anyway, thats my exciting news for today. Yay!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm still diseased!!

It's been a full week now that I'm worthless in the clinic. I still have a cold sore and can't be a patient here in the dental hygiene clinic. Too bad... I'm so excited that we only have november left of this semester!!! We are practically graduating! Just kidding, but it will be here before we know it! YAY!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Mock Patient

Today was a little nerve racking!! We did a mock patient and we went through everything! I'm really excited for when it is natural and I don't have to think of what is next.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Prophy or not?

Yesterday in class we learned that polishing damages your teeth by removing fluoride rich enamel. Conviently I got a big cold sore today and couldn't be a practice patient. Just kidding, I wouldn't have cared. But it's funny that the prophy is what is damaging and it's all we did in our office. No hygienist, so no scaling. It's sad the patients don't know better.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The semester is practically OVER!

So I was thinking and we only have November left of this semester! It has gone by so fast. I can't believe we only have to do this 3 more times and then we will be done! That's crazy! I think it will be over before we know it!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oct. 22

Today was the first time ever scaling on the posteriors. Pretty exciting!!! And my arm is still hurting from my free flu shot. I had better not get the flu this year!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Scaling was still a little awkward today, but i'm going to blame it on the fact that I got a shot in each arm! Ya, it hurts. But it was FREE!!! Everyone go to the campus student health center. It's FREE!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Ok, today we really started scaling on eachother! It was fun. I was worried that the sound would bother me, but it was fine. I did get a bad cramp in my hand between my ring and pinky finger. I see the importance to do things right or it will hurt you later!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Well almost scaling... We learned the instruments today and I'm so excited to start practicing! But before that we looked at some really gross pictures. I hope i get over thinking that it's gross and that I just think it's cool. Hopefully someday!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

oct 8

Turns out that we are not very fast at doing an od. It took me like 40 minutes to probe the lowers! Oh well.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Today was FUN!!!! We used dye to disclose the plaque on our teeth. I knew we were doing it so I brushed my teeth right before so I didn't have too much, but I still had some. The only problem was that I forgot to put Vaseline on my lips first so they are a little purple. Oh well.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's October!!!

Today we learned that I have the most, biggest, and worst restorations. I wish I could get new teeth and try again. Oh well..

Monday, September 29, 2008

September is OVER!

September is practically over! We made it through the first month of Dental Hygiene! That is an accomplishment for me. Today in radiology we took the other side of full mouth x-rays and we did more probing in clinic. My long day is over for the week. Now I get to go to work till midnight!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today we learned how to probe. It was a little hard for me to be able to tell where the pocket ends. I felt like I was kinda making it up.. Hopefully it will get easier. I also learned I have some serious recession on #3 buccal, and it really hurts when it gets touched with metal. So I will forever try to be careful with my patients with recession.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mon. Sep 22, 2008

Today we learned how to use an explorer. It too is a little awk!ward but hopefully it will get easyier. It made me excited to learn how to use scalers!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17 2008

I'm not sure if we should only be talking about clinic.. I feel like my blog is REALLY BORING. But i don't know what else to say other than what we learned that day. So today we learned dominant hand fulcrum. It was a little awkward but not too bad. OH! yesterday i was very disturbed after seeing those nasty pictures in class. The rest of the day i thought about quiting and going into consumer science education (home-ec teacher). And I do think that would be a lot of fun, but i worked really hard to get into hygiene so I think I would regret quiting the rest of my life. So I'll stay..

Monday, September 15, 2008

September 15

In clinic today we learned intra-oral exams. Unfortunately I didn't do the vocabulary assignment before class so I had never heard any of these terms before. So that was a little tricky.. Not too bad though.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 10

My short day. I love it! Today we learned mirror positions. After school i think i will take a nap and go do something fun. Maybe a hike?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sep 9 2008

Today has been great! It is Monday, my long day. We took bwx in radiology this morning. That was fun, my first time with digital x-rays. Then clinic was good, nothing confusing. However, after taking my blood pressure, i may want to start exercising... my four year break should probably come to an end. We'll see....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

No school Monday!!!

I did these out of order, but we didn't have school on Monday for Labor Day. Instead I went to a family breakfast! I love four day school weeks!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 3

I love Wednesdays because I only have clinic in the morning, then I'm done! Today we learned that my birth control is nowhere to be found in the DDR. Oh well. Today was nice and easy, I passed off a few PE's, it was great!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Wednesday we learned the positions and what surfaces you clean from each.  We were practicing with an explorer and it was fun! It made me excited to learn how to scale!   

First Day

Monday was my first real day of class.  I had radiology in the morning then clinic in the afternoon.  And I admit it was a little traumatic.  After I got home I cried to my husband and told him I want to quit.  He told me that I can't....  So I guess thats that.  Everyone was really nice, I was just being a baby.  Tuesday through Thursday was much better and I remembered why I'm excited to be in this program.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Orientation Day!

I was really nervous for today but I'm excited to be here! Now I just hope that I don't flunk out! We'll see how it goes. Good Luck everyone!